Tiffany Godoy
The web is a pool of information and a ginormous community of individuals that all of us can conveniently access in just a slight twitch of a muscle. It seems most of the fashion content and other related resources nowadays are concentrated on the internet. Most of us scour the web for interesting content while our butts are glued in front of that monitor without ever leaving. I'm getting the feeling that the days of the 'Couch Potato' are numbered, at least in our virtual worlds and therefore, getting extinct. But wait, don't despair my friends because I have a growing obsession to share with you. I don't remember when I first started watching this show but since then, I got hooked.
I'm talking about Tokyo Fashion Express which is a news feature on both International and local Japanese Fashion aired weekly in NHK World, a Japanese News program. The show is hosted by Tiffany Godoy, a fashion journalist and style consultant. I like their comprehensive take on Internationational fashion and how its influenced by Japanese fashion and vice versa. It also talks about notable Japanese based designers as well as those who've already made it to the mainstream. Well it's not likely for news channels and television in general to broadcast 'Real' fashion....that is the things we see on the runway and its significance. These days, television has labeled fashion with an image of celebrities...repackaged it and call 'Style'...that's 90% celebrity oriented instead of pure fashion. Thanks to the japanese who never cease to showcase their culture and fashion as a relevant part of it. That's why I love the japs. I'm dying to go to Tokyo.

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